Biological information Transfer: Our favourite water carries the information

Translational value

The absence of original substance in highly diluted potencies has always been a matter of great debate. While there are many theories to propose the existence and presence of nano-particles, nano-structures, entropy, etc., but an equal challenge remains.

“How does the medicinal properties of highly diluted substances are transferred to a biological system (e.g. humans, vets, plants etc)?”.

Based on the experimentations using three latest modalities – nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, anomalous dielectric dispersion, and atomic force microscopy, the present work discusses the role of “Structured water” as the medium of carrying the biological information of medicines to a system.

The authors concluded that, “This theory justifies water structures as potential information carrier through succussed serial dilutions.”

Original Study Ref: Tanmoy Maity, C R Mahata. Succussed Serial Dilutions in Water Carry Solute Information via Solute-Specific Water Structures-A Theory Based on Quantum Electrodynamics. Homeopathy 2021 Nov;110(4):277-282.

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