Oleum jecoris

Oleum jecoris aselli Synonyms: English : Cod liver oil; French: Huile de fore de myrue; German: Stocktisch leberthra Description: A pale yellow oil; on exposure to air absorbs oxygen and becomes thicker but does not dry to a hard varnish. Odour fishy; taste characteristic. Almost immiscible with alcohol; miscible with chloroform ether, Carbon-disulphide, ethyl acetate and … Read more


Alloxan Compiled by Dr. R. Valavan, Manager Scientific Affairs, WSI Main indications: Diabetes mellitus Characteristics: Dryness of digestive mucous membranes; excessive thirst and frequent urination; lack of heat and of vital reaction; disturbed sleep with nightmares; sensation of body being dispersed into different parts Other indications: aphthae, dyspepsia, dysentery, osteoporosis Dosage: Julian recommends 4c to … Read more


JONOSIA ASOCA/ JANOSIA ASHOKA (Bark of an Indian Tree, introduced by Dr. N. D. Ray, Calcutta) Preparation: Mother Tincture Drug Strength 1/10 Janosia Ashoka in moderatelycoarse powder 100 g Purified Water 125 ml Strong Alcohol 900 ml In Sanskrit Ashoka or Raktapallava; Bengali, Hindi, Oriya and Telegu Ashok; Gujrati Ashupani; Tamil and Malayalam Ashogam; Latin … Read more


Insulinum (An active principle from the pancreas which affects sugar metabolism) Excerpts from Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia by P. N. Verma / Indu Vaid Synonyms: Insulin Insiulin is polypeptide hormone produced in the B-cells of the islets of Langerhans.-situated in the pancreas of all vertebrates. History and authority: The drug has been clinically evalued at central Research … Read more

Hamamelis virginiana

Hamamelis virginiana (Witch-hazel) Botanical name: Hamamelis virginiana Linn. Family: Hamamelideaceae Known: Eng: Witch hazel; French: Hamamelis; Ger: Hamamelis, Zamberhasel. Description: A deciduous shrub upto 5 metre high with numerous long flaxuous, forking branches, smooth, brown bark, becoming greyish and fissured with age. Leaves 7-15 cm long, obovate or oval, straight veined, wavy dentate, somewhat downy … Read more


Synonyms: English: Black powder, Brown powder, Carbon-sulfur-kali-nitricum; French: Poudre a canon. Description: Gunpowder is a black or brown explosive substance consisting of an intimate mechanical mixture of potassium nitrate (saltpeter; nitre), charcoal, and sulfur. The proportions (by weight) are approximately 70-80% potassium nitrate, and 10-15% each of charcoal and sulfur. Gunpowder was the first and … Read more

Eugenia Jambos

Eugenia Jambos (Rose-apple) Eugenia produces a state of intoxication like alcohol. Everything appears beautiful and larger; excitement soon changing to depression. Head: Headache as if a board were lying on right side. Extremities: Nightly cramp in soles of feet. [Cupr.; Zing.] Skin cracks about toes. Clinical usage by Boericke and J. H. Clarke Acne rosacea … Read more

Cactus grandiflorus

Cactus grandiflorus (Night-blooming cereus)   Botanical name: cereus grandiflorus mill Family: cactaceae. Synonym: Selenicereus spinulosus Distribution: Generally hot and stony places of tropical America, also in gardens in India. History and authority: Allen’s Encyclop. Mat. Med., Vol. II, 321. Part used: Flowering stem Prescribed dose: Tincture (best made from flowers), to third attenuation. Higher in … Read more

Bryonia alba

Keypoints to remember:- Rheumatism– Muscles related problems, Gout. Pain(s) in body, joints and muscles which is aggravated by motion and better by rest. This modality is a common symptom of weather change in most of the patients. Complaints when warm weathersets in after cold days–> exposure to variation in temperature makes an Individual vunlerable for … Read more

Bellis perennis

Key points to remember:- Acts on muscular fibers of the blood-vessels, muscular soreness (applied to almost every part of body), lameness, as if sprained sensation Wrist pains, soreness of back- railway spine (derived from historical instances when people use to have whole back pain after traveling in wooden carts and trains) First remedy in injuries … Read more