Homeopathic Potencies are not merely dilutions – they are ultra high dilutions (UHD)

Translational value

Over the past decade, research using various methods has claimed the material nature, including nanoparticles (NPs), of high homeopathic potencies. The current study aims to verify these findings using Presence of Nanoparticles and tracking the Nano-particles holds and importance aspect of fundamental research in homeopathy. This study aimed to verify the presence of nano-particles using the NP tracking analysis (NTA) of homeopathic remedies GelsemiumPyrogeniumKalium mur, CuprumArgentum, and Silicea.

The research was carried out using controls – dynamized water and simple dilution to see if they are any different from the homeopathic potentized ultra high dilutions, in potencies upto 30cH.  It was observed that the starting material, the solvent used, the type of container and the manufacturing method influence the characteristics of these NPs.

It was concluded that – “Homeopathic potentisation is not a simple dilution.” The presence of specific properties of nano-particles were clearly demarcated in potentized as well as diluted controls.

Original Study Ref: Michel Van Wassenhoven Martine GoyensPierre DorfmanPhilippe DevosJean-Louis Demangeat. Characterisation of Aqueous Ultra-high Homeopathic Potencies: Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis. Homeopathy DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787782. https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0044-1787782

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