Homeopathy in Public Health System: An update from a recently published study

Public Healthcare System (PHS) caters health needs of majority of population, and truly represents the interaction of population and health services. Homeopathy is now the second largest practicing alternative system of medicine worldwide. It is practiced in some 80 countries; is legally recognized as an individual system of medicine in 42 countries; and is recognized as a part of complementary and alternative medicine in 28 countries (Homoeopathy – Science of Gentle Healing by Deptt. of AYUSH, GoI). To have more insight of its legislative position the need of hour is to report real time data regarding position of homeopathy in PHS.

In same context a study has been published recently titled, “Homeopathy in the Public Health System: Outcome Data from the Homeopathic Clinic of the Campo di Marte Hospital, Lucca (1998-2010) by Rossi Elioa et al. The study summarizes the 12 years observations at Homeopathic Clinic of Lucca Public Hospital (Italy) with particular attention to socio-demographic features of the patients, distribution of the different diagnoses, follow-up and clinical outcome. The authors report that a sample of 1129 patients (out of total 2592 who attended) were analyzed using Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital Outcome Score. The main findings were:

  • Females use homoeopathy more than males.
  • Persons who already use conventional medicine are not hesitant to use homeopathy.
  • People consult homeopathy for respiratory ailments (29.4%), digestive tract (17%) and dermatological (14.7%) diseases.
  • The improvement rate is nearly 47%
  • Homeopathy has good outcome in younger age and for longer periods.

The authors conclude that homeopathy may be associated with symptom improvement for a range of chronic and recurring diseases. They also suggest that we need more thorough, randomized and controlled studies, and “the integration of homeopathy in a Public Health System can ensure mostly safety and the equity in access for the patient“.

The time has come when we must work together to make homeopathy as an integral part of PHS of every countries. To begin with we must report descriptive studies regarding legislative position of Homeopathy in hospital, clinics etc. Once we are fully aware of USP and acceptance of Homeopathy, further strategies may be made for propagation and due recognition of homeopathy as part of PHS worldwide.

The article is not open access and may be accessed at www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876382013001893

For more articles on Homeopathy in Public Healthcare System visit Database of Scientific Publication in Homeopathy by IPRH at http://audesapere.in/database-of-scientific-publications-in-homeopathy/primary-health-care-research/

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11 years ago


Muthuswamy N
11 years ago

I believe it is better to depend on the patients rather than Governments to take homeopathy to where it belongs. And as more and more patients realize the side effects of allopathic drugs, and the so-called research findings funded by pharma companies, the faster people will turn to homeopathy and force the Goverments. to recognize. In any case in most countries it is pointless to count on such benefits for the people to be done by governments as people or committees who have to decide on making homeo a recognized practice themselves are largely allopaths in many countries and the Govt goes by lobbiies than by what is good to common people.