Hydroalcoholic solution of Eugenia jambolana pretreatment is cardioprotective: An update from in-vivo study

A recent study by Santosh Kumar Shukla et al has been published in Journal of Medical Food titled, “Eugenia jambolana Pretreatment Prevents Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Damage in Rats: Evidence from Biochemical, Molecular, and Histopathological Studies“. The authors used hydroalcoholic extracts of fruit pulp of Eugenia jambolana (HEEJ) and gave it to rats with induced myocardial damage, pre-treated with HEEJ daily for 30 days. Myocardial damage was induced on the 28th and 29th days at an interval of 24 h.There was a control group. In group treated with HEEJ, cardioprotective activity was seen as observed by decreasing levels of studied bio-markers and increased levels of superoxide dismutase and reduced glutathione. The present study reports that “pre-treatment with HEEJ attenuates oxidative stress, apoptosis and improves cardiac architecture in ISP-induced rats and, hence, is cardioprotective“.

Few other studies done on similar lines are:

The hydroalcoholic solution of many substances used in homeopathy are termed as “mother tinctures”, which is the precursor of future potencies. Mother tinctures are preferred by homeopathic physicians in their routine practice as similimum and specifics, but their use is largely based upon traditional knowledge and clinical experiences, and to some extent research study findings.

Although not directly related to Homeopathy, these studies add in depth knowledge to a physician’s database. We must take further steps to translate such work for clinical use. Remedies like Eugenia jambolana are standardized pharmacopoeial preparations, therefore, further experiments like drug proving and clinical verification may be undertaken to add substantial knowledge for their homeopathic use.

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11 years ago

It is a news about a research in Euegenia jambos. Research is appreciated..