The problem of dose in homeopathy: evaluation of the effect of high dilutions of Arsenicum album 30cH on rats intoxicated with arsenic

The problem of dose in homeopathy: evaluation of the effect of high dilutions of Arsenicum album 30cH on rats intoxicated with arsenic Olney Leite Fontes1, Fátima Cristiane Lopes Goularte Farhat2, Amarilys Toledo Cesar1, Marilisa Guimarães Lara3, Maria Imaculada Lima Montebelo1, Gabriela Cristina Gomes Rodrigues1, Marco Vinícius Chaud1. (1) Methodist University of Piracicaba, (2) Medical School … Read more

Logical Homeopathy

It is not a matter of wonder that Homoeopathy is existing but is a matter of science and nature’s law which is saving Homoeopathy for centuries to disappear in darkness. For hundred of years it remained in era of darkness, ignored by the brilliant minds. It was in late 1700?s when Hahnemann observed the pattern … Read more

Belladona reproved to be antiviral to JE virus on research grouds

Since ages we have been proving and using Belladona in various viral diseases with success and cures, but questioned many a times about the authenticity of such cures and claims by others. We all know it works and we use it very frequently. Now, there is a good news for the Homeopathic fraternity, especially the … Read more

Clinical tips part – 1

Cholera and Antim tart: It has the nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration, cold sweat, and stupor or drowsiness found in almost all bad cases of this disease, and I have seldom been obliged to give more than two or three doses, one after each vomiting before the case was relieved. — Dr. E. B. Nash … Read more