Iodium for Visceral Leishmaniasis

Translational value Leishmaniasis treatment is a challenge is many tropical countries, and the equal challenge is effective treatments and resistance cases. In the present study authors explored the effect of Iodum 30cH in the experimental visceral Leishmaniasis. The study model included both the therapeutic as well as prophylactic treatment of BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania … Read more

Homeopathic Potencies are not merely dilutions – they are ultra high dilutions (UHD)

Translational value Over the past decade, research using various methods has claimed the material nature, including nanoparticles (NPs), of high homeopathic potencies. The current study aims to verify these findings using Presence of Nanoparticles and tracking the Nano-particles holds and importance aspect of fundamental research in homeopathy. This study aimed to verify the presence of … Read more

Biological information Transfer: Our favourite water carries the information

Translational value The absence of original substance in highly diluted potencies has always been a matter of great debate. While there are many theories to propose the existence and presence of nano-particles, nano-structures, entropy, etc., but an equal challenge remains. “How does the medicinal properties of highly diluted substances are transferred to a biological system … Read more