Vibrational and electrical properties of the homeopathic medicines….

Translational value Potentization affects and induce various physico-chemical changes in the ultra high dilutions. The vibrational spectroscopy has the capability to provide information regarding changes in the hydrogen bonding and electrical properties induced due potentization. In this study two homeopathic medicines Chininum purum and Acidum benzoicum were studied using Raman spectroscopy. It was observed that potentization affected the intensity … Read more

Homeopathic Potencies carry an electric field like component…

research updates homeopathy

Translational value The fundamental identity of homeopathic potencies at fundamental research level is a huge challenge. In several studies it has been shown that the homeopathic potencies interact with a range of solvatochromic dyes to produce spectroscopic changes in the visible region. The present study aimed to study the dye-potency interaction, and it was seen … Read more

Homeopathy – A valuable option for acute URTIs….

Research updates homeopathy

Translational value The explorative study evaluated the recurrence of acute upper respiratory tract infections (acute URTI) in patients prescribed with either homeopathic or conventional medicines. The data of 610,118 patients from the Disease Analyzer database (IQVIA), Germany was analysed. Prescriptions of nasal medicines were associated with a significant, slightly higher risk; of cough & cold, … Read more

Bed wetting… Don’t worry .. Homeopathy is there to help…

Translational value Nocturnal enuresis  or bed wetting is a very common and troubling clinical condition is childhood and may affect until adulthood. In this double-blind, randomised controlled trial the team took the challenge to see the differences between medicine and placebo groups out of total 147 patients. The frequency of bed wetting, Quality of life … Read more

Capsicum – Let us repertorize the Bell pepper culture

Translational value In this interesting study undertaken at Agroecology experimental farm in Brazil – the symptoms and signs of the disease of Bell pepper culture i.e. Capsicum were observed and subjected to symptomatic characterization (anamnesis) and repertorization. The following symptoms and signs were observed – Loss of identity, Lack of naturalness, Early reproduction, Growth delay, … Read more

Homeopathy was able to affect the rice germination and seedling growth better than placebo

Translational value The present study aimed at knowing the effects of homeopathic remedies Calendula officials and Arnica Montana on various physiological and biochemical variations of Oryza sativa L. (RICE) using healthy seedling production and the height percentage of the aerial parts and main roots. There was an increase in the production of chlorophyll, carbohydrate and … Read more

….the homeopathic agent in the drinking water improved health of the mice

Translational value Escherichia coli is a normally found gut bacterium that may become an active infection in presence of risk factors and lower immunity. Its treatment and prevention depends on various factors. In the present study the authors evaluated the prophylactic role of a homeopathic formulation (consisting of Echinacea angustifolia (6CH), Pyrogenium (6CH), Carbo vegetabilis (30CH) and Phosphorus … Read more

Homeopathic solutions cannot be considered to be pure water [Eng – Fr – ES]

Translational value Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) proton relaxation technique is used in the fundamental research to describe the higher structuring of water, therefore, it can be used to describe the same in homeopathic medicines too. The present study aimed to observe the difference between Cuprum metallicum (metal) and Gelsemium sempervirens (plant) in cH dilution based … Read more

The Physico-chemical effects of Antim crud

Translational value In a quest to know the actions of highly diluted and agitated (potentized) potencies of Antimonium crudum the study compared the biological actions with measurable physico-chemical effects on solvatochromic dyes. The effects were seen on visible spectra of the solvatochromic dyes methylene violet (MV), a pyridinium phenolate (ET33), and a dimethylamino naphthalenone (BDN) … Read more