Vibrational and electrical properties of the homeopathic medicines….

Translational value

Potentization affects and induce various physico-chemical changes in the ultra high dilutions. The vibrational spectroscopy has the capability to provide information regarding changes in the hydrogen bonding and electrical properties induced due potentization.

In this study two homeopathic medicines Chininum purum and Acidum benzoicum were studied using Raman spectroscopy.

It was observed that potentization affected the intensity of hydrogen bands, and with each step of serial succussion (serial agitation) the magnitude of voltage changed with the potencies (increased at lower potencies and vice versa).

“The results indicated a correlation between the vibrational and electrical properties of the homeopathic dilutions at different potencies.”

Original Study Ref: Tara Shankar Bhattacharya et al. Investigation of the Origin of Voltage Generation in Potentized Homeopathic Medicine through Raman Spectroscopy. Homeopathy 2019 May;108(2):121-127.

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