For Those Who Use Nux vomica in Their Clinical Practice

Strychnos Nux-vomica: A Poisonous Plant with Various Aspects of Therapeutic Significance Nux vomica (or Strychnos Nux vomica (Family: Loganiaceae)) is a poisonous plant, commonly used in various medical systems such as traditional Chinese and Indian systems of medicine, and Homeopathy.  Despite being poisonous it is commonly used for treating diseases such as paralytic and neuralgic … Read more

Homeopathy-Phosphorus and Cardiac Protection

Homeopathically prepared Phosphorus represents a constitutional and multi-system affecting remedy. It plays a vital role in various clinical and pathological conditions including action on the heart. Considered one of the best polychrests, it is a must part of every physician’s chest box. Phosphorus has been extensively studied from the clinical point of view, as evident from … Read more

Abstract Book-Nanotechnology: From Materials to Medicines and Their Social Impact

This abstract book is the official compendium of the abstracts of the presentations given during the One Day National Symposium on Nanotechnology: From Materials to Medicines and Their Social Impact at Birla Industrial and Technological Museum, Kolkata on 25 March 2017. READ ONLINE [scribd id=352080613 key=key-enqs3mJFnmqmimnjht0R mode=scroll] DOWNLOAD