The Sweet Sugar Pills Retains the Information

The “Sugar Pills” Retains the “Info”!
Excerpts of the study by Klein SD, et al. Complement Ther Med. 2016.

Comparison of homeopathic globules prepared from high and ultra-high dilutions of various starting materials by ultraviolet light spectroscopy.

  • The globules were produced from 6 starting material.
  • Globules were dissolved in ultrapure water, and absorbance in the ultraviolet range
    was measured.
  • Statistically significant differences were found for Aconite napellus, Sulfur, and Apis
    when normalized average absorbance of the various dilution levels from the
    same starting material (including control and solvent control globules) was compared.
    Statistically significant differences were found among 30c, 200c and 200CF dilutions. 
  • This study has expanded previous findings from aqueous potencies to globules and
    may indicate that characteristics of aqueous high dilutions may be preserved and
    detectable in dissolved globules. 

Complement Ther Med. 2016 Feb;24:111-7. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2015.12.017. Epub 2016 Jan 3.