Homeopathy and Skepticism

Skeptics repeatedly utter the same words, “Homeopathy is Placebo“.
I don’t know whether they have been fed up saying this again and again, since they themselves know that “it is not“.
I am not going to write long thesis on Homeopathy to convince them, but yes I am keen to present here few basic explanations which are universal and validated.

  • Science is not built or rejected, phenomenon and hypothesis are.
  • Phenomenon/theories may not be explained in weeks/months/years, sometime it takes decades to understand or establish them.
  • If a Science is “pseudo“, it will be extinguished on its own, we need not to take extra steps to do so. THIS IS NATURE’S LAW!
  • In early era, imagining a non living thing flying in air (later Aeroplane) was only considered witchcraft’s business (or black magic), but as the science advances, the phenomenon was established and accepted.
  • Likewise, if something is acting but doesn’t have any “existing physico-chemical answer“, should be call it magic.
  • Our science is expanding but has not advanced yet to explain certain pysico-chemical/biological phenomenon, which we know that they are there. Should be blame science or term all these phenomenon as “Placebo“. Gradually we are picking up, and that is the that there exists few theories regarding action of homeopathic medicines, and they have not rejected yet (but yes we need further experiments to establish them).
  • In fact, many of us not even try to search the existing work done, and even if we find something explanatory or positive, we try to reject is straight away.
  • We call reproduceability is not established, but who has the right to say, scientists or consumers.
  • Majority of times, we are being dragged the ultra high dilution aspects, and conclude “no molecule“, but there is lot of work on the energy aspects of homeopathy which is now the hot topic.
  • There are many studies where low dilutions are used which supposedly contains “few molecules” and are homeopathic. How to reject them?
  • Pills are the soft target and part of skeptics jokes, but pills are just vehicle, people do dispense in water also.
  • Skeptics compare 30 dilution with Ocean (and which seems impossible to them), can’t they remember that our DNA strands can cover earth twice, or an average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime. “hard to believe but true”
  • And anyways, we don’t throw our medicines in ocean and take a drop out of them to prescribe. There are established processes “trituration” and “succussion“.
  • If certain physician claims false researches or outcomes, does it mean science is bad. You should blame those physicians.
  • They say it is not established and pseudo science and on the name of personalized medicine we are not sure what we give. Have not they heard of therapies like psychotherapy, meditation, psychology etc which are “too” personalized.
  • Certainly there are lacunae, but rejection on few negatives is not considered as rational thinking.
  • For economic reasons, unethical facts are being supported and fake figures are produced (by majority of pharmaceuticals), and still we think skepticism is rational and ethical. We need to rethink!

For interested readers, there are some collections of homeopathic studies at www.audesapere.in/researchstudies which might be of interest to you.